Leur premier disque Death Ritual a fait une entrée remarquée dans le milieu et ils n'ont pas cesser de tourner en 2019, ils ont quand même trouvé le temps d'enregistrer un nouvel album Blood of the night sorti en début d'année. Je vous ai choisi le titre Sorcerer. Sean nous a concocté une playlist d'actualité avec entre autre Inter Arma et Old man gloom qui viennent eux aussi de sortir de nouveaux disques.
Un grand merci à toi Sean pour ta participation !
* If you were an animal, you would be: Wolf
* If you were a
plant or tree or flower: Joshua tree
* If you were an
element: Blue sunday
* If you were a
season: Autumn
* If you were one of
the five senses: Hearing
*If you were a
country: France
*If you were a city: Paris
*If you were a
planet: Jupiter
*If you were a room
in the house: Studio
* If you were an
everyday object: Couch
* If you were a
* If you were a
book: Be here now
* If you were a
film: Natural Born Killers
* If you were a
* If you were a
cartoon: The midnight gospel
* If you were a
legendary / imaginary creature: Bigfoot
* If you were a
song: The cavern
* If you were a
style of music: Blackened doom
* If you were a
musical instrument: Drums
* If you were a
historic event: Psychedelic revolution
* If you were a
dish: Steak and eggs
* If you were a
dessert: Yogurt
* If you were a
treat: Beef jerky
* If you were a
fruit: Peach
* If you were a
drink: Coffee
* If you were a
smell: Probably a weed smell
* If you were a
sport: Swimming
* If you were a
party / event: Concert/fectival
* If you were a
number or a number: 333
* If you were a
hashtag: #drumlife
* If you were a bad
habit: Smoking
* If you were a
quality: Premium quality
* If you were a
swear word: Fuck