

Coffin'ment MMXX part XXI with Terry (Come to Grief, Warhorse, ex-Conclave, Grievance Records)

Nous y sommes, la fin du confinement à sonné et je suis honoré de clôturer ce premier chapitre avec Terry Savastano. Guitariste au sein de Come to Grief & Warhorse. Terry à également participé à Conclave, Disrupt ou Martyrvore ainsi que beaucoup d'autres groupes. Il a également mis sur pied le label Grievance Records . Sa playlist est composée de titres "qu'il a dans la tête depuis que la pandémie a débutée". Come to grief a sorti un EP, Pray for the end en février, vous pourrez l'écouter à la suite des chansons qu'il a sélectionnées.

Fin du premier chapitre. Nous nous retrouverons prochainement pour de nouveaux portraits. Merci à tout les participants ! Merci aux lecteurs d'ici et d'un peu partout dans le monde. Continuez à prendre soins de vos proches et de vous même. \m/

 * If you were an animal, you would be: A condor or large bird so I could fly the hell out of here
* If you were a plant or tree or flower: A weeping willow
* If you were an element: Something HEAVY
* If you were a season: Autumn of course
* If you were one of the five senses: Touch
If you were a country: A peaceful one, if that's possible
If you were a city: See previous answer
If you were a planet: Hopefully one inhabited by intelligent beings
If you were a room in the house: The Attic
* If you were an everyday object: Something blunt and heavy
* If you were a garment: Leather jacket
* If you were a book: Definitely non-fiction
* If you were a fictional character: I think about being a fictionnal character often. Maybe we should continue.
* If you were a film: Midnight Express or Papillon. A film about a person imprisoned for a long time but always having the will to escape and finally achieving that in the end.
* If you were a celebrity: There's several...
* If you were a cartoon: Grumpy
* If you were a legendary / imaginary creature: Nessie
* If you were a song: "Manic Depression" - Jimi Hendrix Experience
* If you were a style of music: Haha !!!
* If you were a musical instrument: HAHA !!!
* If you were a historic event: Battle of Santiago de Cuba 1898

* If you were a dish: Hopefully something satisfying
* If you were a dessert: The sweetest thing on earth
* If you were a treat: I like to think I have been for someone at one point in my life.
* If you were a fruit: Oh I'm a fuckin' fruit alright !!
* If you were a drink: Colt 45 malt liquor
* If you were a smell: A most pugent and evolting one
* If you were a sport: Vintage 1960's Gasser drag racing
* If you were a party / event: The apocalypse
* If you were a number or a number:13,666
* If you were a hashtag: Itsgonnagetloudnslow
* If you were a bad habit: Gambling
* If you were a quality: Perseverance
* If you were a swear word: MOTHERFUCKER